Wednesday 19 October 2011

Hunter X Hunter

I just finished reading the last available chapter of Hunter X Hunter, 320. I am currently waiting for the next chapter but I find myself condensing on a human nature thing.

I am aware it is a manga and far from reality, but it takes you inside the story line without you being aware of it.

It was a Saturday afternoon and after I finished reading, Dance of Death, which is a very good book, the combination of two amazing writers pushes it to a different limit. Anyway, while I was checking my email and listening to Rob Thomas's song Hard on You, I found myself checking a website which was showcasing anime. It reminded me of my younger years of Sailor Moon, Doremon and Hunter x Hunter. As you can see I am kind of an Anime freak, maybe you can say it is my heroin, I think there is a Japanese name for people like me, Otaku or something. So I just wanted to see what was going on with the anime, Hunter X Hunter, because there was a new anime version that came out. Later  I found myself three days crouched with blood shot eyes, with no food in my stomach, staring intently and clicking on the adds that got in the way of me knowing what will happen next, watching the old series just to compare. It felt as if I was hypnotised or something. The story  captivating your sanity. Maybe it's the characters that seem to live beyond expectation  in your head.

When I realized that the story was beyond the anime series, I did some research on several sites to figure the ending out and to be surprised that the manga is still on going. Again a day and night marathon on the manga this time. Now that I finished it, I felt a bit of a psychological twist. ( if only I used my research powers on my course work, heck knows )

 For the people who follow this series, you will be able to understand what I am saying or maybe not.
So the president of the Hunter x Hunter association  had a fight with a strong defiant character who wants to rule over the world, who looks like Cell from Dragon ball Z, but had a change of heart on how to accomplish this. But the president didn't see this as a reason to understand but in the urge for a fight, battle this Cell look a like. The president depicted in the anime was a good guy but it showed that even his judgement was clouded, ending his life, trying to save the human race. But the manga depicted how selfish creatures we are as humans and that maybe it is time for a change.

This opened a bigger issue for me. We as humans live for ourselves. We stand tall for defending the human race but the truth is we stand for ourselves. We stand up for something that will lead us to a more comfortable state of being. We struggle to attain power and in turn this blinds as from the reality of our own mortality. This enabled us to create a hierarchy that raised us above the rest of the animal kingdom and in turn will also destroy us.

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